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Neilburg Composite School
Proud Home of the Neilburg Trojans
(306) 823-4313,

SCC General Meeting October 22, 2019

October 28, 2019


Date: Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Sara called meeting to order at 7:41 pm following the AGM meeting.

Members Present: Sarah Goodfellow, Ria Wiens, Charmaine, Sarah Hein, Jill Walde, Bev Nattress and Rachel Wightman.

School Representatives: Geoff MacFarlan and Lisa Perkins

Minutes: Ria presented the minutes from the last meeting, September 27, 2019 and moved to adopt as read. Seconded by Charmaine Graham. Errors corrected from the Sept 27 minutes to read 14 students at NCS have self-declared as First Nations.

Financial Report: Charmaine presented the account update with division coding correction. SCC School Account was zero’d out by moving funds to correct coding to be SCC Fundraising Account. To date SCC Fundraising Acct: $1761.81 and with the grant given total for NWSD Acct: $4206.00. Charmaine moved to adopt as read. Seconded by Jill Walde.

Principal’s Report: Geoff MacFarlan shared update of staff, class structure and building esthetics. Full-time EA, Nicole Ryall has joined the staff. Mentorship/Supervision schedule among staff is in effect. Grade 5/6 has 30+ students and Geoff will be assisting so core subjects will be split. Sensory floor path is enjoyed and suggested to speak with Ashley Weinkaff to provide stronger vinyl for longevity. SRC is hosting a contest for new school logo to refresh school and other ideas of improving esthetics in around the school following initiative of library and classroom inspirations. Volleyball teams excelling and school to begin celebrating achievements of athletes with the idea of banners. Sarah Hein to look into costs with Pear Media.

Old Business:

• Music teachers and NCS are still working out options of improving the location, but seem to be happy with the progress in regards to any safety concerns.

• Entryway project tabled until Harriet Holmedal or Amanda Isaac can attend meeting

• Track has been seeded.

New Business:

• SCC Winter Event schedule planning for Jan/Feb 2020. Idea to possibly work alongside Mrs KG and SRC and allow NCS clubs to participate. SCC to discuss more at a later time.

• Hot lunch provided by SCC for the month of November will be

- Nov 15 TBD

- Nov 22 Subway

Lisa Perkins will continue to look into hot lunches provided through Lloydminster businesses along with Lashburn school.

• Book Fair is at the end of the month and open to community, not just NCS families.

• Discussion of Adulting Day for NCS and ideas of what could be implemented. To be discussed at a later time.

Next Meeting: Friday, November 22 @ noon.

Sara Goodfellow adjourned the meeting at 8:43 pm