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Neilburg Composite School
Proud Home of the Neilburg Trojans
(306) 823-4313,

Neilburg SCC Minutes May 10, 2019

May 23, 2019


Date: May 10, 2019

Sara called the meeting to order at 12:12pm

Members present: Sara Goodfellow, Sarah Hein, Rachel Wightman, Harriet Holmedal, Bev Nattress, Jill Walde, Wade Worman

School Representatives:

Minutes: Sara presented the minutes from the last meeting April 12, 2019 and moved to adopt as read. Seconded by Bev Nattress.

Financial Report: $1988.19, and $3235 in the division account. Bev Nattress moved to adopt the financial report, seconded by Rachel Wightman.

Principal’s Report:

Wade shared update on New Hires; Secretary- Kara McGarry, Librarian- Cathy Ducherer, Jr High teachers- Sheila Ross, and Brent Plant.

Final exam structure- for Jr High there will be exams for Math and English, teachers have the choice of exam, or project for Social and Science. Exams will start on June 20, then a break on the 21 for Aboriginal Day, and then 24, 25, and 26th the next week.

The RM is continuing to work on the track as time permits, we would like to give/fundraise as much as possible to give back and help with some of the expense. We should consider having a Grand Opening of the track when it is complete and create a plaque for recognition of the sponsors.

We are able to use the track this year for our local event, it is just a little softer than normal. The local track has been changed to May 27th. Grade 4-6 Tri-meet is in Maidstone. High school District track meet is in Maidstone on May 22, and Regional in Lloydminster on May 29.

Old Business:

By-Laws tabled until further notice.

Sara Goodfellow and Sarah Hein to look at Michael’s for prices and ideas for Skylight esthetics. Priced out plants and options, approximate cost of $300 for a 6-8 foot shelf. Put on hold until Geoff Macfarlan is back.

Amanda Isaac presented ideas for updating/extending the bench. Going to go with black on black, use a stronger quality vinyl, and distress the trim to give some definition. Wade will talk to Monique to find a time during the summer that would work best. Sarah made a motion to go forward with the bench and spend up to $1000. Jill seconded it.

Cleaning out SCC files behind Deb Hein’s desk. Saving 7 years. Sara Goodfellow will look into it.

Thank you to Bev Nattress for addressing the Grads on behalf of the SCC.

Hot lunches provided by SCC for the month of May will be Subway on May 10th- Jill to pick up

Taco in a bag on May 17th- Bev, Jill, Rachel, Sarah to help prep/serve, Sara to talk to Miss Bannerman about her class cooking to taco meat.

Grab n Go pepperoni Pizza bites, or Pizza on May 31st- Sara, Bev and Jill to pick up/serve.

Upcoming events: April 18th lip sync battle, Track and Field May 28th, MADD presentation on May 31st.

Next Meeting: Friday, May 10 @ noon.

New Business:

Hot lunches provided by SCC for the month of June will be Grab n Go Drumsticks and fries on June 12- Harriet to pick up. Subway on June 19- Rachel to pick up.

Sara to do up a survey for the kids to let us know what lunches they liked, to know what we should do for next year.

Consider a Welcome back BBQ, or snacks/coffee/tea from 4-6:00 for students to drop off supplies or get familiar with the school. Need to talk to the staff and get feedback.

Upcoming events: May 22 High school District track in Maidstone, May 27 Local Track, May 29 Regional Track, MADD presentation on May 31st.

Next Meeting: September 2019

Sara adjourned the meeting at 1:30