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Jubilee Community School

Novel Coronavirus Risk is LOW

January 31, 2020

​We are sharing this information to our communities as part of a community health update and to counter some of the recent concerns regarding the novel coronavirus.

Northwest School Division works closely with the Ministry of Health and the Saskatchewan Health Authority to share information with families on matters of health and safety. The public health agencies in Saskatchewan have assured us that, at this time, the risk to Saskatchewan residents remains low. There has not been any confirmed cases of novel coronavirus in our province. There is no need to take additional measures at the school level.

We would also like to encourage our communities to seek out information about the virus from trusted sources, such as the Ministry of Health or Health Canada. The spread of misinformation about novel coronavirus can be very harmful for vulnerable communities. Please help us set a positive example for our students by sharing information responsibly.

As a respiratory illness, the best method to protect yourself against coronavirus is to practice everyday preventive actions, including:

  • Practice proper cough and sneezing etiquette (into the bend of your elbow);

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water; if soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer;

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands;

  • Maintain safe food practices; and

  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.

There is no evidence that surgical masks protect persons who are not sick. The World Health Organization does not recommend the use of any masks if you do not have a travel history and respiratory symptoms. If you have respiratory symptoms such as cough or difficulty breathing and a relevant travel history you should wear a surgical/procedure mask when seeking medical care at a health facility. If you are going to a health care facility for treatment of your respiratory illness and do not have a mask, ask for one at the admission desk and one will be provided to you.

Saskatchewan Health Updates

Government of Canada Health Updates