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Lashburn High School
To Build, To Be
NorthWest School Division No.203

NWSD Re-open Fall Plan

August 04, 2020

August 4, 2020

Reopen Aug 4.png
Dear Students, Parents and Caregivers:

We know there are many questions regarding the re-opening of schools for Fall 2020. Our division has created a Re-Open Plan based on the announcement from the Minister of Education, Gordon Wyant, that all schools will resume in-person instruction in September. Today the province has released the Safe Schools Plan, with guidelines for the return to school – the plan can be found here on  In addition to the guidelines, we have also included the feedback from our student, caregiver and parent survey in our planning.

The NWSD Fall 2020 School Re-open Plan is a fluid document and will be updated as new information or guidance becomes available from the Province, and as Saskatchewan continues to move through the phased re-opening.

Each of our 23 schools is also developing a plan to meet their own community needs and context, based on their school population and facilities. There will be some differences between the school plans. The school plans will be finalized and shared with families later in August, prior to school start up.

The school division plan includes the following sections:

School Operations

Curriculum & Instruction

Student Services

Early Years


Facilities & OH&S



The NWSD Re-open Plan focuses on the scenario where students return to attend school full time. However, we are also preparing for contingencies if any of our communities experience an increased risk in the spread of COVID-19. This includes preparing for instruction to move to a combination of remote and in-person learning, or moving to fully remote learning. In all scenarios, the school division and schools will work with the guidance of the local health authority and the Chief Medical Health Officer.

There are still many uncertainties as we prepare for the fall and Saskatchewan continues to return to a sense of 'normal'. Our division will strive to keep students, staff, parents and caregivers updated with the latest information and plans for a safe return to school.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding throughout these unprecedented times.


Duane Hauk
Director of Education

NWSD Fall 2020 Re-open Plan.pdf