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Neilburg Composite School
Proud Home of the Neilburg Trojans
(306) 823-4313,

SCC Minutes of September 27, 2019

October 16, 2019

SCC Meeting: September 27, 2019

Sara called the meeting to order at 12:27pm

Members present: Sara Goodfellow, Geoff McFarlan, Harriet Holmedal, Rachel Wightman, Charmaine Graham, Lisa Perkins, Jill Walde, Wade Worman, Bev Nattress, Faith Graham and Aaron Oaks

Wade Worman presented information from Leading With Data: Strategic Plan Goals and Actions.

Minutes: Bev presented the minutes from the September 10, 2019 meeting and moved to adopt as read; seconded by Lisa Perkins. Error corrected from the September 10 minutes: Kara McGarry is the new school secretary and Darryl Goodfellow is a volunteer.

Financial Report: NCS Account: $1796.59 and NWSD Account: $2224.19. Charmaine moved to adopt the financial report; seconded by Bev Nattress.

Principal’s Report:

Learning Improvement Plan – Student engagement is a key point. Enrollment is 188 students and more teachers, an additional .5, is needed.

There are many programs being utilized: Handwriting Without Tears, Independent Reading Plans, Barton Reading Program, as reading and writing are weaknesses in Grade 1 and 2 students. Many math programs are in place as well to help with math learning.

There are 20 students at NCS that have self-declared as First Nations. Staff members need to be more aware of their ancestry and teachers have attended a camp regarding First Nations’ culture.

While the graduation rate is 100%, student engagement ideas include: Student led conferences regarding necessary components for their career goals; monitoring of attendance and “late to class”; mentorship program whereby teachers engage with students at recess or in the halls to ensure that no student is ignored, and have daily meetings to discuss problems. There is a Financial Literacy course for Grades 7 – 12. Also non athletic extra-curricular activities have increased. The anti-bullying presentation was well received.

Smart Goals for NCS are to foster a growth mind set and improve differentiation in the class.

Old Business:

The snack supplied at the anti-bullying presentation worked well.

The library lego wall is a work in progress.

Amanda Isaac will be invited to the next meeting as she has been creating drawings of the entryway shelves.

The issue of the music teachers working out of the school is tabled until our next meeting.

New Business:

Track update: Infield has been mowed, mulched and trying to have it seeded to grass before ground freezes. NCS will not host any event until all track and field areas are fully prepared to use.

Diplomas will be issued at Grad 2020.

An update was given regarding swimming lessons and they need to be booked in June for the following year.

Hot lunch will be pizza on October 18, 2019.

Ideas are needed for a community event. Having the extra-curricular clubs present their accomplishments was one suggestion.

Annual General Meeting is planned for Tuesday, October 22, 2019 at 7:00pm.

Next meeting: October 22, 2019 following AGM

Sara adjourned the meeting