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Turtleford Community School
Grade 5

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Welcome to the grade five web page. Communication is important and there are several ways to stay in touch. On this web page I'll post weekly assignments, useful links, and test outlines. 

​Please contact me if you have any questions. Thank you.

Mad Minutes due Friday

Spelling Unit 30 due Friday​

Groups 1  Write sentences for list words. 

Group 2   Write sentences for list words. 

Myth Projects

         β€‹ Each student will produce one myth related piece of art by Friday May 3.  

The art may be done in any style and using any material.  The project may be a drawing,

sculpture or a craft and it should reflect several hours of work.  Students may get 

adult help in the planning and building of the projects.

          The project must be related in some way to a myth that has been read, or a 

character from a myth.  A short paragraph explaining the connection of the project to

a myth will be handed in with the project.​


Provinces quiz

Capitals quiz​

Provinces Quiz (easy)​

Capitals Quiz (easy)


First Nations Research

​Saskatchewan Weather
Weather Radar​

Mythology Test Outline

  1. Read two myths. Choose one myth and make a plot line about the story. Label the parts of the plot line.
  2. Make character webs about similar characters from the two myths. For example, choose the two heroes, or two monsters for your character webs. Write a paragraph that compares and contrasts the characters.
  3. Answer 10 questions about what you have read in the two myths.

​Owls chapter 1.WAV
Owls chapter 2.WAV
Owls chapter 3.WAV
Owls chapter 4.WAV
Owls Chapter 5.WAV
Owls chapter 6.WAV
Owls chapter 7.WAV
Owls chapter 8.WAV
Owls chapter 9.WAV
Owls chapter 10.m4a
Owls chapter 11.m4a
