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Lakeview Elementary School / École Lakeview
Let Excellence Soar! Ici, l'excellence s'envole!

COVID-19 Case at Lakeview Elementary

February 10, 2021

covid 19 positive case.pngOn February 9, officials from the Saskatchewan Health Authority identified a positive COVID-19 case in an individual at Lakeview Elementary School in Meadow Lake, SK.

At this time there is no identified connection between the previous cases at Lakeview and the new one, and no evidence of spread at the school.

Communication has been shared with the school community. The affected students have been notified and will enter remote learning for the duration of their isolation period.

To protect privacy, we are not able to share or discuss details.

Our thoughts are with this member of our school community, and we hope they are doing well. We all have a shared responsibility to decrease the risk of COVID-19 entering schools.

Our school plans contain many important measures, processes and protocols which add layers of protection for students and staff.

Students and families are reminded to be diligent in performing the daily health screening, stay home if ill, call HealthLine 811 if exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms, practice proper hand hygiene, maintain physical distancing as much as possible, wear a mask, and do everything we can to keep each other safe.