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School Community Councils

Parent Engagement Video Series

Parent Engagement researcher Dr. Debbie Pushor and the Parent Engagement Collaborative have published a comprehensive video series on Parent Engagement in the Early Years.

The video series is open to the public and can be accessed here.

For a description of each video check out the series brochure:

Parent Engagement Video Series Flyer

Parent & Community Members' Frequently Asked Questions about SCCs

What is the role of the School Community Council?

A School Community Council (SCC) is an advisory group whose primary purposes are:

  • to develop shared responsibility for student learning and well-being; and,
  • to encourage parent and community involvement in the school.
The SCC works closely with the school administration, providing advice and recommendations, and jointly developing and accomplishing school Learning Improvement Plans.

What do School Community Councils do?

School Community Councils (SCCs):

• Develop a good understanding of their school community.

  • What are the goals and interests of the students? The parents and guardians? The community?
  • What are the strengths of the community? How can these community strengths support the school and students?
  • What are the needs of the community and the students?

• â€‹Help identify steps or actions the school will take to improve student learning. The plan is guided by school division goals but also reflects the uniqueness of the school community.

• Work to achieve the goals of the Learning Improvement Plan. SCCs have a big role to play in helping parents and guardians become involved in their children’s learning.

• Communicate with the school community about school plans and achievements.

• Provide parent and community views to the board of education and school staff on policies and plans. As well, the SCC may have views that are helpful to other community organizations that support students’ learning.

Who is eligible to run for a seat on a school’s School Community Council and to vote for members of the Council?

All parents or guardians of students who attend the school are welcome to vote and run for office in the School Community Council (SCC) elections. This includes parents and guardians who do not live within the attendance area of the school. It also includes parents and guardians who may not meet the requirements of an elector (e.g., Canadian citizenship).

In addition to parents and guardians, community members can vote or run for office in the SCC elections. Community members, however, must live within the attendance area or geographic area for that school. They must also meet all of the requirements to be an elector in the school division (see below). Also, community members can vote in an SCC election for only one school each year.

The majority of elected members must be parents or guardians.

Who are the appointed members on a School Community Council?

All School Community Councils (SCCs) must include the following required appointed members: the principal of the school, one teacher from the school, and one or two secondary students who attend the school. Also, where students who live on a First Nation reserve attend the school, the board of education must work with local First Nations to invite and appoint a representative.

SCCs may also include other appointed members. Appointing other members brings additional strength to the SCC. Appointed members can bring knowledge, skills, community links or views that are important to the school.

Some SCCs have appointed Community School Co-ordinators, Elders and cultural advisors. As well, some SCCs include representatives from local business and industry, community associations, police, regional colleges, human services, faith-based organizations (e.g., church, temple or mosque). Some SCCs have appointed members so that the diversity of the SCC more closely matches the diversity of the student population.

All SCC appointments must be approved by the board of education.