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What benefits does EAL support provide?

Students need social language to make friends and communicate daily needs, but they also must read, write, listen, and talk about ideas in the classroom. This is academic language.
EAL teachers help students develop stronger language skills and a broader academic vocabulary than those who have not received support (Roessingh, University of Calgary).
Students need academic English language skills to do well in school. Strong academic language skills are also important for future education and employment.

How is EAL support provided at the school?

At the elementary level, classroom teachers work with small groups of students during the regular school day.
EAL high school students are supported through extra time and help to complete their academic assignments during their timetable.
At both the elementary and high school levels the level of support depends on the individual student’s learning needs.

Who can receive EAL support?

Any student who speaks a language other than English in the home may receive EAL support. These students may be Canadian born or from other countries. The Saskatchewan Ministry of Education recommends that students with an English language proficiency between A1.1 and B1.2 on the Common Framework of Reference (CFR) in any of the four skill areas of reading, writing, speaking or listening receive formal EAL support.

Common Framework of Reference for Language Proficiency

​A1.1 - A1.2

​A2.1 - A2.2



​Taking EAL locally developed courses and will audit credit courses.
​B1.1 - B1.2


(no formal EAL support)

​B1 - Taking EAL locally developed courses and may audit credit courses.
​B2 - Will take all credit courses with limited support.
​C1​Proficient User
​Independent with supports as needed in credit courses.
​Auditing courses allows a student to be exposed to the course's academic language and appropriate use of terminology within a classroom context.

What skills is my child learning in the EAL classroom?

Depending on your child’s language strengths and needs, s/he may work on all four skills areas. Or, your child may need to focus on a specific skill, such as writing. It is common for students to be stronger in some skills yet still require EAL support in others. For example, a student may speak well, but still need to work on written English skills.

Since language and culture are closely connected, students in EAL classrooms also learn about Canadian culture. For example, students learn how to work well in groups since this is common practice in Canadian classrooms and in the work force.

EAL classrooms are places where students learn, experience success at school, and make friends.

How long will my child receive EAL support?

Both social and academic language skills are complex and take time to develop. A student’s language proficiency determines the length of time EAL support is provided. Research has shown that students often need 5 to 7 years of EAL support to develop proficient academic language skills.

How can I support my child’s English language development?

Be encouraging and patient with your child because language learning is a difficult task.
Continue to speak your first language at home. Research indicates that a solid first language foundation enhances second language learning.
Speak to your child about what s/he is learning at school.
Read books with your child in your first language and/or in English.
Participate actively in school and community programs with your child.
Feel free to communicate with the classroom teacher or the school’s principal at any time.

High School Program highlights

Students are provided with more time to meet graduation requirements than their same age peers.
Students will develop language skills to enable success in compulsory classes.
Schools will communicate with students and parents regarding student progress within the program.
Schools put language needs before academic programming.
For your child to access full compulsory credit courses for graduation, they should be able to achieve a ‘B2’ on the CFR.

​Potential 5 Year High School Timetable

​Year 1
​Audit core courses
EAL support classes
Practical and Applied Arts and Arts Ed. classes

Year 2
​Audit core classes
EAL support classes
Practical and Applied Arts and Arts Ed. classes

Year 3
​Grade 10 level credit courses
Academic support

Year 4
​Grade 11 level credit courses
Academic support as necessary

Year 5
​Grade 12 level credit courses