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French Immersion/ L'immersion Française

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​Northwest School Division offers French Immersion to students in Grades K-12 in the city of Meadow Lake. The program is offered at Lakeview Elementary School (K-4), Jonas Samson Middle School (5-8) and Carpenter High School (9-12).

French Immersion is an optional program commencing in Kindergarten. Our program is designed to develop respect for Francophone cultures worldwide and build confidence in our students ability to use the French language in real life communication. Oral communication (listening and speaking) is the foundation of our program.

Northwest School Division strives to provide students with a classroom culture that promotes and celebrates active, engaged and enthusiastic use of the French language. Our French Immersion program stresses opportunities for authentic communication and collaborative learning. This active approach to education promotes students to become problem solvers and effective communicators.

Northwest School Division has been a strong supporter for the French Immersion program, which has been offered since the 2007-2008 school year. It is our goal to continue this support in order to help ensure that students who are currently enrolled, and those who will enrol in the future, experience the multitude of benefits that can be realized by learning a second language.

​French Immersion Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is French Immersion right for my child?

Children who may find the program appropriate:

  • Exhibit appropriate first language development;
  • Play with language (enjoy rhyming, memory and games);
  • Demonstrate curiosity and a willingness to explore and experiment;
  • Listen effectively (can retell or explain a story or events in proper sequence).
Children may find the program challenging if:
  • ​Perform below average in their own first language;
  • Have parents who don't equally support enrollment and'or the student does not want to be in the program;
  • Have weak listening skills;
  • Experience difficulty retaining information.
2. Why learn a second language?

Second language learning provides the opportunity to:
  • Communicate in both French and English;
  • Develop creative, critical thinking and problem solving skills;
  • Develop a broader view of the world and appreciation for cultural differences;
  • Enhance understanding and use of first language skills;
  • Strengthen memory skills;
  • Experience literature, music, art and film in original form;
  • Increase coping skills, and;
  • Increase post-secondary educational and employment opportunities.
3. What is French Immersion?

The French Immersion approach is based on the premise that young children learn a second language best when a 'gentle approach' is used. They learn French in much the same manner the acquired their first language at home.

In French Immersion, students are exposed to rich and varied language activities. This input will help them develop the fundamentals of language that are the building blocks for listening, reading, speaking and writing French. In later years, as students become increasingly bilingual, students will learn to think in French. Students will begin this process by building two distinctive labels for one concept.

French Immersion teachers consider the interplay between the students' first language and the target language by capitalizing on the knowledge they already have and choosing appropriate second language learning strategies.

4. Goal of French Immersion program?

The goals of the French Immersion program, as outlined by the Ministry of Education, are:
  • To become functionally bilingual.
  • Students completing the program are able to:
    • Communicate easily in French and English;
    • Take post-secondary education/training in both French and English;
    • Undertake employment in French and English;
    • Understand and appreciate attitudes and customs other than their own.
5. I don't know any French, how can I help my child?

You can still help your child. Reading and writing in English assists with reading and writing in French too. (The basic skills are the same.) Also, by remaining open to learning with your child as they progress not only demonstrates that learning is always important at any age, but it gives your child a chance to teach you.

6. Support systems for students and parents in French Immersion?
  • ​Qualified French Immersion teachers.
  • French resources in classrooms and library, with a commitment to further develop our resource collections.
  • Teacher participation in Ministry initiatives.
  • French Immersion Early Reading Intervention
  • Canadian Parents for French (CPF)
  • Bonjour Saskatchewan

​For more information about French Immersion in Meadow Lake you can contact the local schools, or get in touch with the Canadian Parents for French - Meadow Lake chapter: or at